It's been good... The MIT Saliency Benchmark (EST. 2012) has transitioned hands.
The new benchmark can be found at
The goal of this website is to be the most up-to-date, online source of saliency model performances and datasets. We believe that a continuously updated all-in-one comparison page will serve as an essential resource to document and promote progress in the field of saliency modeling.
On this site, our contribution is twofold:
(1) We score and report performances for the latest saliency models on our saliency benchmark: the only data sets where human eye movements are not public, in order to prevent training on, and fitting to, the datasets. Go to model performances or submit a new model.
(2) We maintain an up-to-date listing of other saliency datasets and collection procedures, along with all relevant links in order to have a one-stop resource and thereby to facilitate comparison. Go to datasets.